Monthly Archives: December 2014

Meatless Monday #latepass


Here’s a wonderful recipe for some very quick greens. As I continuously make attempts to eat as healthy when I can I love to cook with garlic and saute or cook my foods in olive oil. Below is a wonderful recipe for some kale I made for Thanksgiving dinner. It as most of my meals can be used as a main dish or a side.Try it out and let me know how you like it πŸ™‚

Jay’s easy peasy kale



2 bags of cleaned kale greens

2 medium sized onions

1 clove of garlic chopped

2 tablespoons of olive oil

Cayenne or crushed red pepper

Sea salt

Black Pepper

Wok…instead of a frying pan…you’ll see why.

Step 1: Add your olive oil to your wok. I chose to used a wok b/c its easier to manipulate (I believe) and your greens can cook thoroughly and evenly.

Olive oil in wok

Step 2: Chop your garlic and onions then add them to your wok once you’ve determined that your oil is hot enough. You want to be sure that your oil isn’t too hot that it burns your garlic and onions, but hot enough and stir well.

Garlic in wok

onions and garlic in wok Browned garlic and onions

Step 3: Take your kale out of the bag and clean it very well ensuring there is no dirt or debris present. l when I buy Glory band fresh kale I’ve never found any dirt, however you can never be too careful. I still like to clean my greens well in the sink with just a little salt Β and running cold water before adding them to my pot. Once you’ve done that you’ll then tear your kale into small pieces and add handfuls to the wok while stirring in your garlic and onions.

Fresh and cleaned kale greens

Almost done πŸ™‚

Step 4: From here you’ll add the kale to the wok and stir well, ensuring your leaves have oil on them and have mixed well with your garlic and onions. You’ll then want to add your seasonings as well.

Kale in wokGreens in wok 1

While you’re doing this, you’ll want all your ingredients to cook well under a medium to high heat. Almost like flash frying because you do still want a little crunch, but not all the way raw. For a little added taste, you may also want to add a capful or two of lemon juice or half a fresh squeezed lemon as well as a capful of apple cider vinegar for a pinch of acidity.

Step 5: Last but not least, once you’ve tasted your greens and they’re to your liking, you may either serve them straight out of your wok or in a bowl or dish and you’re then ready for your guests or for yourself to dig in and enjoy a healthy meal πŸ™‚

Greens in pan 1

As always…#bonappetite !
